Ürün Listesi
Ürün Listesi


Numarası A  ç  ı  k  l  a  m  a Ambalaj
12660 ACID PHOSPHATASE M-test, complete kit 16 x 2 ml
156004 ALBUMIN liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 100 ml
12017 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE opt.liquicolor, complate kit 10 x 10 ml
12027 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE opt. liquicolor, complete kit 8 x 50 ml
12037 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE opt. liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 250 ml
12018 Alpha-AMYLASE liquicolor, complete kit 12 x 10 ml
12028 Alpha-AMYLASE liquicolor, complete kit 6 x 50 ml
12009 PANCREAS-AMYLASE Liquicolor 4 x 10 ml
12029 PANCREAS-AMYLASE liquicolor 6 x 20 ml
10012 BILIRUBIN (DCA) liquicolor, complete kit 200 ml
10740 BILIRUBIN DIRECT/TOTAL liquicolor, complete kit 2 x 100 ml
10741 auto-BILIRUBIN-D liqucolor, reagent kit 375 ml
10742 auto-BILIRUBIN-T liqucolor, reagent kit 375 ml
10011 CALCIUM liquicolor, complete kit 200 ml
10115 CHLORIDE liquicolor, complete kit 2 x 100 ml
10017 CHOLESTEROL liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 30 ml
10028 CHOLESTEROL liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 100 ml
10019 CHOLESTEROL liquicolor, complete kit 3 x 250 ml
10015 CHOLESTEROL liquicolor, Standard 9 x 3 ml
12008 CK MB (NAC-activated), complete kit, M-Test 20 x 3 ml
12118 CK MB liquiUV, complete kit 10 x 10 ml
12015 CK NAC activated, complete kit 10 x 10 ml
12005 CK NAC activated, complete kit 20 x 3 ml
10051 CREATININE liquicolor, complete kit 200 ml
10052 auto-CREATININE liquicolor, complete kit 250 ml
12013 g-GT liquicolor, complete kit 10 x 10 ml
12023 g-GT liquicolor, complete kit 8 x 50 ml
12033 g-GT liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 250 ml
10260 GLUCOSE liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 100 ml
10121 GLUCOSE liquicolor, complete kit 1000 ml
10122 GLUCOSE deproteinizasyon solution 1000 ml
10123 GLUCOSE standard 9 x 3 ml
10783 Glucose liquiUV Mono deproteinising solution 1000 ml
10786 Glucose liquiUV Mono, complete kit 1000 ml
10657 GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HbA1, complete kit 20 Tests
10658 GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HbA1, complete kit 100 Tests
10259 GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HbA1, controls 2 x 1 ml
10770 GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HbA1c% liquidirect, reagent kit 40 ml
10775 GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HbA1c% liquidirect, controls 4 x 0,5 ml
10776 GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HbA1c% liquidirect, calibrators set 4 x 0,5 ml
12011 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod.liquiUV, complete kit 10 x 10 ml
12021 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod.liquiUV, complete kit 8 x 50 ml
12031 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod. liquİUV, complete kit 4 x 250 ml
12012 GPT (ALAT) IFCC mod.liquiUV, complete kit 10 x 10 ml
12022 GPT (ALAT) IFCC mod.liquiUV, complete kit 8 x 50 ml
12032 GPT (ALAT)  IFCC mod. liquiUV, complete kit 4 x 250 ml
10018 HDL CHOLESTEROL, complete kit 4 x 80 ml
10084 HDL CHOLESTEROL liquicolor, complete kit 80 ml
10751 HEMOGLOBIN liquicolor, complete kit for 10×500 ml
10229 IRON liquicolor, complete kit 2 x 30 ml
10230 IRON liquicolor, complete kit 2 x 100 ml
12014 LDH SCE mod.liquiUV, complete kit 10 x 10 ml
12024 LDH SCE mod. liquiUV, complete kit 8 x 50 ml
10094 LDL CHOLESTEROL liquicolor direct, complete kit 80 ml
12006 LIPASE Liquicolor 4 x 10 ml
12026 LIPASE liquicolor 6 x 20 ml
10010 MAGNESIUM liquicolor, complete kit 2 x 100 ml
10027 PHOSPHORUS liquirapid, complete kit 200 ml
10118 POTASSIUM liquirapid, complete kit 100 ml
157004 TOTAL PROTEIN liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 100 ml
573351 SODIUM rapid, complete kit 60 ml
10670 TIBC, complete kit 100 Tests
10720P TRIGLYCERIDES liquicolor Mono, complete kit 9 x 15 ml
10724 TRIGLYCERIDES liquicolor Mono, complete kit 4 x 100 ml
10725 TRIGLYCERIDES liquicolor Mono, complete kit 3 x 250 ml
10690 URIC ACID liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 30 ml
10691 URIC ACID liquicolor, complete kit 4 x 100 ml
10505 UREA liquicolor, complete kit 2 x 100 ml
10506 UREA liquicolor reagent 1 1000 ml
10507 UREA liquicolor reagent 2 1000 ml
10521 UREA liquiUV, complete kit 8 x 50 ml
11251P ASO Reagent kit 2 x 50 ml
11351 ASO Standard 2 x 1 ml
11101 APOLIPOPROTEIN A1 Monoreagent 2 x 30 ml
11102 APOLIPOPROTEIN B Monoreagent 2 x 30 ml
11104 APOLIPOPROTEIN A1/B Standard 2 x 1 ml
11110 COMPLEMENT C3 2 x 20 ml
11113 COMPLEMENT C4 2 x 20 ml
11117 C3/C4/TRF Standart 2 x 1 ml
11541 CRP-hs Reagent kit 3 x 125 ml
11544 CRP-hs Standart 2 x 1 ml
11141 CRP Test, buffer 4 x 100 ml
11241 CRP Reagent kit 10 ml
11341 CRP Standard 2 x 1 ml
11610 FERRITIN 1 x 25 ml
11614 FERRITIN Calibrator Set 4 x 0,5 ml
11501 IgA direct, reagent kit 2 x 10 ml
11502 IgG Reagent kit 2 x 10 ml
11503 IgM direct, reagent kit 2 x 10 ml
11504 IgG, IgA, IgM CALIBRATOR SET 5 x 2 ml
11505 IgG, IgA, IgM direct BUFFER 4 x 30 ml
11001 IgG Reagent kit 7 x 15 ml
11002 IgA Reagent kit 7 x 15 ml
11003 IgM Reagent kit 7 x 15 ml
11004 IgG/IgA/IgM STANDART 2 x 1 ml
11105 LIPOPROTEIN (a) reagent kit 2 x 25 ml
11107 LIPOPROTEIN (a) standard 2 x 0,5 ml
11120 MICROALBUMIN 2 x 25 ml
11124 MICROALBUMIN Standart 2 x 1 ml
11261P RF Reagent kit 2 x 50 ml
11361 RF Standart 2 x 3 ml
11115 TRANSFERRIN 2 x 30 ml
13160 AUTOCAL 4 x 5 ml
13511 HUMATROL N 6 x 5 ml
13512 HUMATROL P 6 x 5 ml
13951 SERODOS (R) 6 x 5 ml
13151 SERODOS (R) Plus 6 x 5 ml
13010 TURBIDOS CONTROL 4 x 3 ml
71012 HumaType Anti-A 3 x 10 ml
71022 HumaType Anti-B 3 x 10 ml
71032 HumaType Anti-A,B 3 x 10 ml
71042 HumaType Anti-D (IgM) 3 x 10 ml
71052 HumaType Anti-D (IgM/IgG) 3 x 10 ml
71062 HumaType Anti-Human Globulin 3 x 10 ml
71072 HumaType Albumin 22% 3 x 10 ml
22092 COMBINA GLUCOSE Urine test strips 50 Strips
22022 COMBINA 2 SG Urine test strips 50 Strips
22032 COMBINA 3 SG Urine test strips 50 Strips
22002 COMBINA 9 SG Urine test strips 50 Strips
22102 COMBINA  10 M Urine test strips 100 Strips
23111 COMBINA 11 S Urine test strips 150 Tests
27035 HEXAGON TROPONIN PLUS, complete kit 10 Tests
57002P HEXAGON HIV, complete kit 40 Tests
57004P HEXAGON HIV, complete kit 100 Tests
58022 HEXAGON H.PYLORI, complete kit 20 Tests
58032 HEXAGON TB, complete kit 20 Tests
58042 HEXAGON SYPHILIS, complete kit 20 Tests
40038 IM QUICK TEST, complete test kit 40 Tests
40039 IM QUICK TEST, complete kit 20 Tests
50001 SYPHILIS RPR TEST, complete kit 100 Tests
50002 SYPHILIS RPR TEST, complete kit 500 Tests
50016 SYPHILIS RPR TEST, eco kit, reduced accessories 500 Tests
50101 SYPHILIS TPHA liquid, complete kit 100 Tests
58062 HEXAGON STREP A, complete kit 20 Tests
58082 HEXAGON DENGUE, complete test kit 25 Tests
58912 HEXAGON CHLAMYDIA, dropper tubes with extraction medium, sterile swabs 60 Tests
58012 HEXAGON CHLAMYDIA, test kit 30 Tests
58051 HEXAGON MALARIA Device, complete kit 25 Tests
50052 HEXAGON MALARIA, complete kit 20 Tests
58054 HEXAGON MALARIA, complete kit 25 Tests
50055p HEXAGON MALARIA COMBI, complete kit 20 Tests
28009 HEXAGON OBTI, complete kit 24 Tests
28032 HEXAGON PSA, complete kit 20 Tests
28220 HEXAGON OBScreen, test kit 30 x 3 Tests
29012 Hexagon IgE, complete kit 20 Tests
60022 FERTITEX MONO, complete kit 100 Tests
68004 HUMAPREG, sigle sealed, complete kit 40 Tests
58902 HEXAGON Hcg 1-STEP, complete kit 3 x 20 Tests
58932 HEXAGON Hcg 1-STEP, complete kit 3 x 50 Tests
50271 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S. Typhi H, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50281 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S. Typhi O, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50211 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S.Paratyphi AH, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50221 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S.Paratyphi AO, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50231 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S.Paratyphi BH, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50241 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S.Paratyphi BO, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50251 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S.Paratyphi CH, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50261 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, S.Paratyphi CO, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50291 BRUCELLA ABORTUS, complete kit 8×100 Tests
50200 HUMATEX FEBRILE ANTIGENS, Control PC/NC 2 x 40 Tests
31002 HemoStat THROMBOPLASTIN-SI, complete kit 6x2ml/60Tests
31003 HemoStat THROMBOPLASTIN-SI, complete kit 6 x 10 ml
33002 HemoStat aPTT-EL, complete kit 6x4ml/240Test
33012 HemoStat aPTT-EL, reagent 6x4ml240Test
33022 HemoStat CALCIUM CHLORIDE (CaCl2) 4 x 30 ml
32002 HemoStat FIBRINOGEN, complete kit 5x2ml/100Test
34002 HemoStat THROMBIN TIME, complete kit 6x1ml/60Test
35001 HemoStat CONTROL PLASMA NORMAL 6 x 1 ml
35002 HemoStat CONTROL PLASMA ABNORMAL 6 x 1 ml
16350/10 HC5-BASOLYSE, HUMACOUNT 5 lyse reagent for 1 L
16350/20 HC5-EOLYSE, HUMACOUNT 5 lyse reagent for 1 L
17400/40 HC-CONTROL 3 x 2.5 ml
16350/40 HC5-CONTROL, test kit 3 x 4,5 ml
40031 SLE LATEX TEST, complete kit 20 Tests
40030 SLE LATEX TEST, complete kit 50 Tests
40062 HUMATEX ASO, complete kit 40 Tests
40063 HUMATEX ASO, complete kit 100 Tests
40060 Humatex ASO, latex reagent 100 Tests
40042 HUMATEX CRP, complete kit 40 Tests
40043 HUMATEX CRP, complete kit 100 Tests
40040 HUMATEX CRP, latex reagent 100 Tests
40052 HUMATEX RF, complete kit 40 Tests
40053 HUMATEX RF, complete kit 100 Tests
40050 HUMATEX RF, latex reagent 100 Tests
40037 GLYCIN-NAC1 Buffer 100 ml
51250 anti-HCV Antibody, complete kit 96 Tests
51103 CMV (Cytomegalie Virus) IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51203 CMV (Cytomegalo Virus) IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51240 DENGUE IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51140 DENGUE IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51204 EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51104 EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51222 H.PYLORI IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51322 H.PYLORI IgA, complete kit 96 Tests
51205C Anti-HIV 1/2 ELISA, complete kit 96 Tests
51126 HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51216 HSV 1 (Herpes Simplex Virus) IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51226 HSV 2 (Herpes Simplex Virus) IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51206 MEASLES VIRUS IgG, complete test 96 Tests
51106 MEASLES VIRUS IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51207 MUMPS VIRUS IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51107 MUMPS VIRUS IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51208 RUBELLA VIRUS IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51108 RUBELLA VIRUS IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51005 Syphilis Screen, complete kit 96 Tests
51209 TOXO (Toxoplasma Gondii) IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51109 TOXO (Toxoplasma Gondii) IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
51210 VZV (Varicella Zoster Virus) IgG, complete kit 96 Tests
51110 VZV (Varicella Zoster Virus) IgM, complete kit 96 Tests
55030 ESTRADIOL Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
55040 ESTRIOL Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
55050 CORTISOL, complete kit 96 Tests
55060 DHEA-S Dehydroepiandrosterone Antigen, comp.kit 96 Tests
53020 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
53040 hCG (human chorlonic Gonadotropin) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
53010 LH (Lutelnising Hormone) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
53030 PRL (Prolactin) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
55010 TESTOSTERONE Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
55020 PROGESTERONE Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
54010 T3 (total Triodothyronine) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
54015 fT3 (free Triodothyronine) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
54020 T4 (total Thyroxine) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
54025 fT4 (free Thyroxine) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
54030 TSH (Thyrotropin) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
52010 AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein) Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
52050 CA 125 Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
52060 CA 19-9 Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
52070 CA 15-3 Antigen, complete kit 96 Tests
52020 CEA (Carcincembryonic Antigen), complete kit 96 Tests
52030 PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), complete kit 96 Tests
52035 Fpsa (free Prostate Specific Antigen), test kit 96 Tests
51015 Total IgE (Immunoglobuline E), complete kit 96 Tests
18050 Humalyzer JuniorManuel, Microprocessor-Controlled Photometer  
  Automatic filter wheel  
  Temperature controlled  
  Memory for 30 tests  
18300 Humalyzer 2000Semi-Automatic, Microprocessor-Controlled Photometer  
  Multiple reading modes  
  Multiple wavelengths (filter wheel, 6 filters installed)  
  Continuous flow-through micro flow cell  
  Pre-programmed HUMAN methods  
  Open programming for all clinacal chemistry methods  
16700 Humalyzer 3000Semi-Automatic, Microprocessor-Controlled Photometer  
  Large graphic LCD display  
  Report by patient/sample  
  Memory for 120 methods including calibration curves  
  Reading mode for kinetic, fixed time,endpoint,absorbanse  
  Multiple wavwlengths (filter wheeel, 6filters installed)  
  Pre-programmed HUMAN methods  
16800 Humalyzer 3500Semi-Automatic, Microprocessor-Controlled Photometer  
  Touchscreen Display  
  Multiple reading modes  
  Micro flow cell  
  Pre-programmed HUMAN methods  
  Open programming for all clinical chemistry methods  
  Memory for 1000 methods including calibration curves  
  Internal QC program  
16880 HumaStar 80Automated Clinical Chemistry Batch Analyzer  
  Throughput up to 80 tests per hour  
  20 regent positions  
  54 sample positions  
  Innovative software features  
16900 HumaStar 180Random-Access Clinical Chemistry Analyzer  
  Direct-reading system  
  Photometer with LED technology  
  25 reagent positions  
  50 sample positions for sample cups and primary tubes  
  Throughput up to 180 tests per hour  
  Barcode reader and reagent cooling (optional)  
16900/1 Cuvette blocks for HumaStar 180 (800) test  
17901S HumaStar 300Medium-Throughput Random-Access Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
  Up to 300 tests per hour  
  30 reagents on board  
  Continuous programming and sample loading  
  ISE modul for Na, K, Cl (optional)  
  Barcode reader for samples (optional)  
  Barcode reader for reagents (optional)  
16660 HumaStar 600High-Throughput Random-Access Clinical Chemistry Analyzer  
  Up to 600 chemistry tests per hour (w/o. ISE)  
  48 reagents on board (72 with special bottles)  
  reagent cooling  
  Continuous programming and sample loading  
  Barcode reader for samples and reagent  
17600P Combilyzer PlusSemi-Automated Urine Test Strip Analyzer for Combina 11S  
  Modular system (seperate measuring unit with printer station)  
  CCD Image sensor  
  Serial interface  
16600 Combilyzer VAReader for combina 11S Urine Test Strips  
  Reflection photometry/CCD image processing  
  “Timing-free strip loading”  
  Throughput > 500 samples/h  
  Interface:barcode reader,keyboard,host computer  
18680 HumaClotJuniorCompact 1-Chanel Coagulation Instrument  
  State-of-the-art LED optic  
  Programmable for clotting,  
  chromogenic and  
  immunoturbidimetric tests  
18650 HumaClot DuoManuel,Microprocessor-Controlled, 2-channel Coagulation Instrument
  Automatic calculation of INR,Ratio,% Quick  
  Calibration curves stored in memory  
  10 memory spaces  
  Built-in printer and real-time clock  
16070 HumaMeter Hb PlusHemoglobin meter  
  Portable System for the determination of Hb in blood  
  10 mikrolitre sample volume  
  Prefilled reagent cuvettes  
  Measuring range:0.5-30 g/dl  
  ACCESSORIES FOR HumaMeter Hb Plus  
16070/1 Reagent Hb (100 Tests)  
16070/2 Calibrator set Hb (6 x 1.5 ml)  
16070/3 Control set Hb (2 Level 1.5 ml)  
17400 HumaCountAutomated Hematology System with 3-Part Differential of WBC (30 samples/h)
  18 parameters  
  Small sample volume, only 25 mikrolitre  
  Automatic sample dilution  
  LCD display  
  Function keys for easy operation  
  Built-in QC styatistics  
16400 HumaCount PlusAutomated Hematology System with 3-Part Differential of WBC (60 samples/h)
  Throughput 60 samples per hour  
  18 parameters  
  Small sample volume, only 25 mikrolitre  
  Automatic sample dilution  
  Memory for 10.000 sample results  
16350 HumaCount 5Automated Hematology System with 5-Part Differential of WBC (23 samples/h)
  22 parameters  
  Sample volume 90 microlitre  
  Closed tube sampling  
  Automatic sample dilution  
  Built-in printer  
  Function keys for easy operation  
  Built-in QC statistics  
18000 HumaReader Single PlusMicrotiter Strip Reader  
  Automatic strip transport (up to 3 strips)  
  Photometer with automatic filter wheel  
  User programmable  
  Curve and cut-off calculation  
  Built-in printer  
16670 HumaReader HSMicrotiter Plate Reader  
  User programmable,all HUMAN ELISA tests pre-programmed  
  Memory for 200 tests and 10.000 results  
  Touch screen  
  Windows Software  
  4 filters,405,450,492,630 nm  
17350 Elysis UnoOne plate Fully Automated ELISA Analyser  
  Up to 8 parameters simultaneously  
  Processing of one microplate  
  Time-management system  
  Customized racks  
16300 Elysis Quattro4 plate Fully Automated ELISA Analyzer  
  Open system  
  Walk away capability  
  up to 7 plates in one run  
  4 independent incubators  
  Continuous loading  
  CONSUMABLES Elisys Quattro  
16300/10 Disposable conductive tips 300 mikrolitre  (960)  
16300/11 Disposable conductive tips 1100 mikrolitre (960)  
18440 Automatic WasherAutomatic Microtiter Plate Washer  
  User programmable dispense and aspiration rates  
  Up to 50 washing programs  
  Best washing efficiency  
  Integrated rinse, wash and waste bottles  
17700 HumaWash ManuelManuel microplate washer  
17000 HumaTemp Microplate incubator 37 C  
16100 HumaScopeBinocular Laboratory Microsope  
  Standart achromatic objestives (4x,10x,40x and 100x oil  
  5x objective revolver  
  Widefield ocular 10x, plan ocular 16x  
  Koehler illumination  
  X-Y stage with Vernier scales  
16200 HumaScope Plus  
  Semi-Plan DIN Achromatic Objectives (Anti-Fungal)  
  (4x,10x,40x and 100x oil  
  Compensation-free binocular Head, inward 5-position objective revolver  
  Koehler illumination  
16100T Humascope T (Training)  
16100V Humascope V (Darkfield)  
  Humaroller Multipurpose Labarotory Rotator  
15120/2 5 Movement modes  
  speed 20 rpm, adjustable rotation axis 0 to 90  
15121/1 Rotisserie for 10 x 15 ml conical tubes  
15121/2 Rotisserie for 6 x 50 ml tubes  
15121/3 Rotisserie for 36 x 1.5/2.0 ml tubes  
  HumaPette Fixed Volume Pipette (sabit)  
19500 5 ul  
19505 10 ul  
19510 20 ul  
19515 25 ul  
19520 50 ul  
19525 100 ul  
19530 200 ul  
19535 250 ul  
19540 500 ul  
19545 1000 ul  
  HumaPette Digital Adjustable Pipette (ayarlı)  
19110  0.5 -     10 ul  
19120     5 -     50 ul  
19125   10 -   100 ul  
19130   20 -   200 ul  
19140 100 – 1000 ul  
19150 500 – 5000 ul  
  HumaPette-8 Variable 8-channel pipette (8 kanallı)  
19320 5 – 50 ul  Including one tip-box, one tip-rack,  
19330 30 – 300 ul one stand, one reagent reservoir  
Ürün Kodu : JG08MQ6
Kategori : Human Dıagnostıcs
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